
11 February 2013

* Creamy Paprika Pork

I've chosen to remove (temporarily) one of my recipes because it has become an almost permanent victim of *that meat that comes in a tin* - I'm not saying it out loud in case this post attracts the same - and it's absolutely doing my head in. I've reverted it to draft form, and have no idea when I publish it again, whether it will slot back into my blog in it's original place, or show up as a new entry. So if you spot one of my bread recipes is missing, this is why.

I have also been debating (quite seriously) the pros and cons of having a *followers* gadget in the right hand column on this blog for some time - since I started it up, in fact. On the one hand, it's an easy way for anyone that likes what they find, to find their way back when there are new posts... and on the other hand it tends to look like a measure of one's popularity, but only if one is striving to be popular.

One has never striven to be popular.

One's two friends could attest to that.

So.... The follower gadget... I did it.

Theeeeennn I undid it.

It lasted about a day, maybe two. It made me distinctly uncomfortable and I honestly couldn't tell you why. The only thing I can compare it too (and it's random) is the difficulty I face when purchasing birthday cards for a loved one... although I completely empathise with the flowery, sentimental words written within some of those cards, and they convey exactly how I feel about the person I'm buying the card for... I'D RATHER SHOOT MYSELF IN THE FOOT than buy one.

I nearly always purchase a card that has no words and could mean absolutely anything, and I write the words myself "Happy Birthday" - that's it. Simple but effective. "Happy Birthday". That's all you get... and maybe a *much love*  - if I love you...

...or a *from* - if I don't love you and have only bought the card out of some misguided sense of duty. Let's face it - if it's just got *from* on it, I don't even like you and my mum made me do it.

I did say it was random.

Can you even imagine the absolute agony I go through at Valentine's?? How to convey to my husband that I love him very much, without actually buying a card that says that??!!??

Did I mention that I'm slightly unhinged?

Did I need to?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Serves 4

Prep time - 10 minutes
Cooking time - 25 - 30 minutes

You will need
A large frying pan/skillet with lid

5 sprays fry light or 1 tbsp olive oil
350g pork fillet - sliced
2 onions - sliced
200g closed cup mushrooms - sliced
1 tbsp smoked paprika
2 grilled peppers from a jar or packet
1 tbsp tomato puree
200ml chicken stock - from a cube is fine
100ml low fat crème fraîche
Salt and pepper for seasoning
1 tbsp fresh chopped parsley (optional)

Place the pan over a medium heat and spray with fry light (or add olive oil), throw in the onions and cook until beginning to colour and quite soft - about 10 minutes (using a lid helps to speed things up if using fry light). Turn the heat up and add the pork and mushrooms. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring all the time.

Add the paprika and cook for a further minute, then rip/tear up the grilled peppers straight into the pan and stir in the tomato puree and chicken stock. Pop the lid on and drop the heat to a simmer for around 8 - 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in the crème fraîche, heat through without boiling.

Scatter with fresh chopped parsley (optional) and serve with carb of your choice - we had ours with white basmati rice.


4 propoints per serving of Creamy Paprika Pork if using fry light, 5 if using olive oil


  1. Can I substitute chicken for the pork? This looks very nice but I don't like pork.

    1. Yes, you can use chicken, no problem. Might try that myself another time!

  2. Thankyou very much for the invitation!

  3. Just wanted to let you know I made this for dinner tonight and everyone loved it! Will definitely make it again, thank you for sharing a great recipe :-)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and thankyou for taking the time to come back and let me know :0D xx


Thanks for dropping in to read my recipes (and ramblings). I love it when you let me know what you think - so please leave a comment and I promise to take the time to reply!