
1 November 2013

* Sausage Meatballs in Tomato Sauce

Sausage Meatballs in Tomato Sauce Recipe I love it when a recipe works better than expected. These Sausage Meatballs in Tomato Sauce were absolutely scrumptious in a non *in yer face* way. They were so easy to put together that I expected to be bowled over with blandness.... plus I haven't had much in the way of taste in the past couple of weeks because of my VERY BAD COLD.


I will never mention it again.

The sauce was slightly sweet and light due to the use of a carrot. I've not done that before, but they needed using up (doesn't everything?!?) and it was worth a shot. I know it's not a new idea - people have been sticking carrots into tomato sauce since time immemorial (whatever that means), but I haven't - so I wasn't sure that we... I... would like it.

But we did. Well, of course we did. I could hardly write a recipe up and say "Don't do this, it's dis-GUS-tin'!", could I?!?

Well I suppose I could, but then you'd hardly come back for more.

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Sausage Meatballs in Tomato Sauce Recipe

Serves 3 - 4

Prep time - 10 minutes
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Total time - 40 minutes

You will need
A large non stick skillet/pan with lid.


450g sausage meat
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried rosemary
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
3 heaped dessert spoons of fresh bread crumbs

1 tbsp olive oil
1 large carrot - finely diced (or blitzed in a food processor)
1 large onion - finely diced (or blitzed in a food processor)
2 cloves garlic - crushed
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried rosemary
2 anchovy fillets
1 tbsp tomato puree/paste
2 x 14oz/400g can chopped tomatoes
grated Parmesan and chopped parsley to garnish

  • In a bowl combine the sausage meat, 1 tsp each of oregano, basil and rosemary, the salt and pepper, and the bread crumbs.
  • Place the skillet over a medium heat.
  • Smush the sausage meat et al all together with your hands (or a fork) and make about 32 little balls, placing each one straight into the bottom of the skillet as it heats up.
  • Brown the meatballs all over, for about 3 - 5 minutes then remove from the pan and set aside.
  • Return the pan to the heat and add the olive oil, carrot and onion, stir and pop the lid on. Cook gently for about 5 minutes until softened, remembering to occasionally lift the lid and stir.
  • Mix in the garlic, herbs, anchovy fillets and tomato puree then stir in the 2 cans of chopped tomatoes.
  • Pop the lid back on and allow to simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the lid and gently add the meatballs to the tomato sauce. Give the pan a little shake to help them settle a little deeper. Do not stir at this stage as they may break apart.
  • Pop the lid back on and cook for a further 10 minutes or until meatballs are cooked through.
  • Garnish with grated Parmesan and chopped parsley and serve with your favourite pasta or rice - we had ours with Manfredine pasta.

Sausage Meatballs in Tomato Sauce Recipe

NOTE: You don't have to use sausage meat to make the meatballs, but it's what I had available in the freezer. Some good Italian style sausages, removed from their skins would probably work just as well (if not better), and you wouldn't need the extra flavourings or the bread crumbs.


Sausage Meatballs in Tomato Sauce Recipe

This recipe is linked up on Foodie Friday at Simple Living and Eating, so please pop over and see what other wonderful recipes you can find!

ONE YEAR AGO: Carrot and Coriander Soup


  1. This is g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s, Abbe. Gotta admire you for still being able to cook up something this delicious with a cold running you down xx :)

    1. Hah! The cold is all gone, I just couldn't help but mention it last. time.... ;-) and thankyou xx

  2. Good stuff Abbe Load up on C & D Vitamins

  3. Oh my goodness, that is comfort in a bowl that's better than a hug from Granny.

    1. Maureen, you always know exactly what to say to make me feel good! Thank you :) x

  4. Beautiful meatballs! Glad to hear your cold's gone, I've been sick all week too and finally just getting better myself.

    1. Thanks, Jo :) Seems half the planet has managed to catch the same virus - I hope you're feeling 100% soon, it takes a while to get over! x

  5. This looks so cozy, warming and loaded with flavours!
    Get well soon!

  6. Such a delicious recipe, full of flavor! Good recommendation. It's worth trying.


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