
7 February 2014

* Out To Lunch, Be Back Soon!

I read somewhere that it's a not a good idea to write a blog post saying "Sorry I haven't been around guys", or "I'll post more soon, honest" and "Have you missed me, I'm still here"...

... Ummmmm.... not so good at following rules like this... so here goes...

Some of you have been in touch - friends, family (not just my mum!), complete strangers... asking where I am, so here's your answer (I'll try not to bore your butt's numb)...

First - there was Christmas. I hate Christmas. I don't like spending my money on other people buying them stuff they won't use, and getting back stuff I put straight in the Charity Shop. Ungrateful? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely not. I don't mind the whole family get together thing at Christmas, that part is fun, but you can keep the rest. So, Christmas and the lead up to it kept me busy.. and antsy. Not a good idea to blog when you're feeling a bit "sod the world" - so I didn't.

Second (yes, I am writing a numbered list, you might want to put the kettle on)... we were decorating our bedroom over the Christmas period itself - not just a coat of paint on the walls, but we laid a new floor (ourselves, we are that good), ripped out skirting boards and replaced them with new and sat waiting patiently for new furniture to arrive. The house looked like a bomb had exploded and we'd tried to cover up the aftermath with bits of tinsel and a teeny tiny Christmas Tree. Cooking kind of went completely out the window, with big brass knobs on. I could have photographed all the ham sandwiches we ate and blogged them, but somehow I think you know how to make a ham sandwich.. also, see *First Reason*.

Third (and most important) - we have spent the past 8 months going through the process of becoming Foster Carers. On January 14th, with the the help of our fabulous social worker, Angela and the support of friends and family - we went before an independent panel of people, and were given the thumbs up. It's not been an easy journey, but it has certainly been worth it. Since *passing panel*, I've attended training, support group and induction and hopefully we have our first young person coming to stay for respite care, within the next couple of weeks! I'm never going to be able to share the details of our fostering experiences - it would be unethical and in some cases a possible danger to the child - so I don't imagine I will mention it again, other than in passing.

So, there you have it - my "Sorry I haven't been around guys" blog post. I will most certainly return to sharing my recipes, as soon as humanly possible - I have even started using an online meal planner in the hopes of organising myself into being able to have time to cook recipes, photograph them and share them with all of you.... yeah... I don't reckon that'll last any longer than you do - but it's worth a try!

See you soon, my lovelies!


  1. As always you make anything sound adventurous, funny and oh so interesting! I'm glad you made it through the holiday unscathed, survived the decorating (I know it turned out fab) and I'm excited for you and your new fostering adventure. I know you will be a great foster mum. Take care of you and yours first lovely - so long as there's food to eat everyone else can wait. ;-)

    1. You're an absolute sweetheart, Rebecca - thankyou... I'm excited about being a foster carer too... but also really bloody crapping myself - tell no one, they all think I'm exuding confidence ;-)

  2. Hey Abbe! I've missed my friend across the pond! Glad all is okay and that you've just been busy. I'll look forward to seeing you back in action!

    1. Bill, I have missed you to my lovely! Hope you've still kept my spot in the kitchen cupboard?!? xx

  3. Was only saying to mum a couple of days ago that I was missing your blog and was PRETTY sure you hadn't given up food altogether. She 'fessed up and told me your news! A pretty good reason (or 2) to have not blogged for a while! Good luck and lots of love xxx

    1. Thankyou my darlin' - hope you and yours are doing okay? My mum tells me all of your news too ;-) xx

  4. It is good to hear from you again, Abbe! I did not imagine how busy you were preparing the house and yourself to become a foster carer. I thought you were not cooking anything tempting because you were on WW diet. Crazy me! :) Well, I missed you! Wishing you a relaxing weekend!!!

    1. Thanks, Denise! If only I had been busy dieting - instead I have been busy cramming my face with whatever's easily available... I need a sign for my arse stating "Wide Load!"

  5. Such a funny and heartwarming post, Abbe. You will be a fabulous foster parent. I was a social worker for a time and I know the desperate need for caring people such as yourself. Good luck with it! I know you'll find it both challenging and extremely rewarding.

    1. You're a sweetheart, Robyn - thankyou so much for the warm words and encouragement :) xx

  6. Well I am super excited about the new chapter in your life! You are going to be an amazing foster mommy :) I've been having a lot of changes in my life as well and I haven't blogged as much as I have wanted. But oh well. I will look forward to seeing your future posts :)

  7. You are going to rock the fostering! I'm so excited for you. I asked my husband once if we could look into doing that...he asked me if I was ill and then cut off my alcohol consumption for a while. So I let my 14-yo bring home a new kitten, instead.

    Ha! I showed him!

    Seriously, though...I'm so very happy for you! :-)

    1. I can hold my hands up in all innocence and say "It wasn't my idea!"... not this time at any rate - it was Neil. So if it all goes pear shaped, I can blame him. Which I would have done, regardless ;-)

      Currently wishing that perhaps I had gone with a kitten as an option. This is NOT easy!!!

      Aaaand, thankyou - you are a darling - I shall tell no one - I know you have a reputation to maintain ;-) xx


Thanks for dropping in to read my recipes (and ramblings). I love it when you let me know what you think - so please leave a comment and I promise to take the time to reply!