
25 November 2013

* Creamy Broccoli Cheddar Soup {Meatless Mondays} + "Eggs" Winner

I have another new favourite soup, and it's this one. This Creamy Broccoli Cheddar Soup is getting it's own bank account, it's so good.

Really. Even Neil enjoyed it, and he doesn't like broccoli.

I probably wouldn't have offered him a bowl of it, if he hadn't asked what smelled so good when it was bubbling away on the stove. When I told him what it was, he said he wouldn't mind trying some.

So when it was cooked, I pushed the spoon into his face with a whole "Choo-choo here comes the food train." pantomime, to which he responded with "Please don't ever do that again." and "I'll eat that." A huuuuuuge compliment from my man of few words.

Neither of us are fans of soups that use flour as a thickener (though I do make them), so I used a carrot to thicken this soup, and to add a slightly golden colour - which makes this a gluten free soup. Also, this recipe uses the whole broccoli - both florets and stems.

I'm now trying to think of more ways to get him to eat broccoli because I love it, and it's far easier to cook one meal for both of us than two separate ones. Though this doesn't happen too often because although he's a man of simple tastes - Neil will try virtually anything (that isn't a flapjack), that I put in front of him.

It's that or starve.

Now it's time to announce the winner of the Michel Roux "Eggs" Cook Book Give Away from last Monday.... drum roll please...

and... the winner iiiiiiissssss.....

Katrina Pearce (comment number 2) - congratulation Katrina, your book is on it's way!

Thanks to everyone who entered xx

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Creamy Broccoli Cheddar Soup Recipe

Serves 4

Prep time - 15 minutes
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Total time - 45 minutes

You will need
A stick or jug blender
A saucepan with lid

1 tbsp butter
1 medium onion - peeled and chopped
1 large carrot - about 8oz/225g - peeled and sliced
1 large head of broccoli - about 14oz/400g - florets and stems separated and stems chopped up
1.5 pints/850 ml vegetable stock
4fl oz/100ml double/heavy cream
6oz/170g mature cheddar - grated

  • Melt the butter in a saucepan over a medium heat and throw in the onion, carrot and broccoli stems - cook very gently for 10 minutes. It helps to pop a lid on.
  • Season generously with salt and pepper and stir in the broccoli florets.
  • Pour in the vegetable stock, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly if using a jug blender - pour the soup into the jug and blend until smooth (ish).
  • Transfer the soup back to the saucepan and very gently re-heat.
  • Add the cream and cheese and stir until the cheese has melted.
  • Ladle the soup into four bowls.



  1. Creamy broccoli soup is one of my fav, Abbe! I love how homey and comforting it is...Great pics!

    1. Thanks Denise! I've eaten it all now so am going to have to make more ;-)

  2. Congratulations, Katrina!

    Oo..that is super yum, Abbe. I love how creamy it is. Can't wait to try something similar xx ^.^

    1. Sharon - it was the cheese - I am sticking cheese into everything, from this day forwards. It's my new religion ;-)

    2. I like this new religion ~ can I join the club? ..Lol ;)

    3. Yes. But you must bring cheese... and maybe a blanket.

  3. I'm with you on soup thickened with flour. Give me a carrot or potato instead. I love your broccoli cheddar soup!

    1. Thanks, Maureen! I know some soups work with flour, but if I don't need to I ain't gonna. Give me some root veg thickened soup any day - oh and lentils. I love lentils in soup... and cheese. Lots and lots of cheese ;-)

  4. I don't want it to be Meatless Monday. I want a huge bowl of this soup with a ham and cheese croissant! THAT...would be the perfect dinner!

    1. Now you're giving me ideas!!! I'm cuddly enough without encouragement ;-)... and thankyou :D xx

  5. This sounds great - and I love thickening with other veggies rather than flour. Trying to stick to meatless Monday here too! Some days I win, some I don't! This might tip the scales next Monday... Tx for the recipe, I've pinned. Julia

    1. I really enjoy Meatless Mondays, Julia. Hubby gets a bit antsy occasionally, but only if he's actually aware of the fact that he's not getting meat. If he doesn't ask... I don't tell him :D

  6. Congratulations to the winner! The others we get this delicious soup! Perfect for the cold days of winter!

  7. Replies
    1. Thankyou! I'm about to try making a skinny version - can't get enough of the stuff at the moment and it's making my butt wobble ;-)

  8. awesome i making this today, as a vegetarian, im always looking for new recipes and this is perfecttt.....

    1. I hope you enjoyed it - coincidentally I just made this again last week and it's still my current favourite soup :D xx

  9. Thank you for sharing this yummy soup recipe. I will definately try this at home.
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  10. Hi! I'd love to try your soup, I was just wondering if I can substitute milk for the heavy cream? Thanks!!

  11. Thanks for this recipe! I've made it so many times since I discovered it. I always skip the double cream and use much less cheese than suggested, and it's still incredibly nice and filling - plus a lot healthier. :D

    1. Hi Rosie, I've made a skinny version of this myself but I'm so addicted to cheese that I always go back to the "more the merrier" version. I have love handles on my love handles ;-) I'm glad you've enjoyed this recipe enough to make it your own, it's what cooking is all about xxxx


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