
23 November 2013

* Ham and Cheese Croissants {Because I Can}

Ham and Cheese Croissants
These ham and cheese croissants are a quick and simple snack idea for lunch or supper. They take 10 minutes to throw together - if that - and even less time to consume.

I've had them sitting in my photographs folder for a while - whilst I considered whether or not they were blog worthy enough NOT to make my repeat readers feel ripped off...

... I'm bored. I have a spare ten minutes. So here we are.

If you do feel ripped off, you may leave... (Pleeeeease don't go!!!) I for one, hope you stay long enough to realise that although this is a glorified ham and cheese sandwich that you need no recipe for - it's actually a pretty neat idea that isn't a ham and cheese sandwich and is so easy it may not have crossed your mind to give it a whirl.

Neil loves them.

I'm not going to give you a specific recipe, but here's what you do...

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Ham and Cheese Croissants

  • Whack the oven on to 160c fan/180c/350f .
  • Slice four (or more - you choose. We usually have two each) croissants in half, horizontally.
  • Grab some butter or low fat spread (from the fridge) along with some thick slices of smoked ham and a wedge of gruyere cheese.
  • Grate the gruyere into a bowl - you need a large handful for four croissants.
  • Spread each cut side of all the croissants with butter then pile as much ham and cheese as you like onto one half of each.
  • Place the other half of the croissant on the top and scatter with any remaining cheese.
  • Place on a baking sheet and pop into the oven - the oven does not need to have reached it's temperature, it just needs to be on it's way.
  • Make yourself a hot drink (tea/coffee - whatever you fancy) and by the time you're stirring your teaspoon in your cup, the croissants will be done. If you don't drink tea or coffee - leave your croissants cooking for just shy of 10 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven, plate up... and EAT.

Ham and Cheese Croissants


  1. I cannot say no to a yummy ham and cheese croissant, I think they are amazing. Your pictures make me wish I was having these for dinner tonight!

    1. Thanks, Pamela! I have these as often as I can remember to, they're too easy and too tasty not to ;-)

  2. I will not I think it's great that you post something like this occasionally. I like shortcuts..I mean I lurveee shortcuts xx ^.^

    1. I really did feel a teeny weeny bit guilty, but after I'd posted it I googled it and there are SHED LOADS of versions of this out there, on quite respectable blogs. So I am now guilt free, with a full tummy ;-)

  3. When you move into my cupboard, will you promise to make these for me? ;-) Seriously, those are some good eats. Ham, croissants, and gruyere might be the three most perfect foods, right? Abbe does it again with a great post!

    1. When I move into your cupboard (with a bed and en suite bathroom), you're supposed to be cooking for me! ;-)

  4. Absolutely, wonderful and mouth-watering .. kids love it .. my wife hates it .. She can’t stop eating , hence putting up more weight :-)


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